
Book review

hey, today's topic is about the book I read "The World On A Plate", by Mina Holland.

The book is basically about many different cuisines in the world. It includes some recipes and background stories about the food or cuisine itself. I thought the most interesting things to know was the historical stories about each cuisines(for instance, accessibility to foods or religions). 

There was no clear flow between one region and the next so it was kind of vague.  However, I loved that there were recommendations for substitutions if you couldn't find certain specific ingredients and if certain wines were better suited for the recipe. That makes me want to try those recipes without stress.

As I read the book, it makes me hungry all the time...! I feel like I am traveling the world while reading and imagining the mouth watering delicacies in most parts of the world. 

I strongly recommend you to read this book:)

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